you're want to buy Red Floral Carpet Rose Tree Five Gallon,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Red Floral Carpet Rose Tree Five Gallon.You can choose to buy a product and Red Floral Carpet Rose Tree Five Gallon at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here...
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Price: $89.98
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This is really a neat rose variety. Best of all, it's EASY!! There's no fancy pruning needed, just occasional shearing to keep tidy and remove the spent flowers. Things I similar to is that it's resistant against Black Spot and Powdery Mildew -- so you never really must spray it. The showy blossoms are displayed most of the spring and summer. The plant likes full sun and is also deciduous. It is really a moderate grower, while using shrub version growing to about 1.5' high and about 4' wide. The tree version is especially showy in containers when other flowers are planted around its base and allowed to cascade within the rim of the pot.
Product Features
Shipped as a potted five gallon tree in its original soil and container.
This is a neat rose variety. Best of all, it's EASY!! There is no fancy pruning needed, just occasional shearing to keep tidy and to remove the spent flowers.
Resistant to Black Spot and Powdery Mildew
The tree version is especially showy in containers when other flowers are planted around its base and allowed to cascade over the rim of the pot.
The plant likes full sun and is deciduous. Would make a great gift!
live rosemary single ball topiary 17
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